The Daycare Phenomenon : Why BIPOC Parents should be involved in their children's education

In today's society, the concept of treating a school site like a daycare has become increasingly prevalent as more parents enter the workforce and seek external care for their children. While daycare can provide a safe and nurturing environment for children, it is essential for parents to recognize the importance of being actively involved in their child's education at their child’s school site. In some schools, teachers avoid calling parents because of the backlash received from the parent to the teacher. All educators understand that parents are the go-to person in their student's life; this becomes challenging when parents who might be experiencing extreme poverty, lack of housing, and food shortages lash out at the people who teach their children. This critique editorial opinion will explore the detrimental effects of lack of parental involvement in education, the impact it has on child development and academic success, and the significance of communication between par...