Black Don.

The dominant culture in education constantly reminds me that no matter how many degrees I hold, my place in their system is defined by their comfort with my presence. Credentials don’t shield against biases; they merely illuminate the barriers to equity, reinforcing a hierarchy that resists meaningful change for marginalized voices. Yes, DEI is dead. By Don Allen, Ed.S., M.A. Ed., MAT - Journal of A Black Teacher Sitting in Cohort 13's class on Saturday represented one of the most uncomfortable experiences of my doctoral journey. The topic of the evening rested on an upcoming event meant to seek current disparities in education and propose solutions with key policymakers and stakeholders. This was a rare opportunity, as our voices as educators could be elevated into spaces of power. Then, as the discussion unfolded, I watched colleagues back out, pointing to vague reasons or shifting the focus to other priorities. The unea...