How might the changing demographics in Minnesota influence future conversations by state leaders regarding public school funding priorities?

By Don Allen, M.A. Ed./MAT - Candidate: Superintendent Licensure (2023) The following text was written as a response to 2023 Spring - GED 8125-1 - School Finance, Hamline University. Hamline University professor David Schultz wrote: “ More money spent on education does improve outcomes. But the money must be spent correctly. View spending as an opportunity cost or cost-benefit issue. In other words, what type of spending yields the best results in comparison to other expenditures…but the biggest impacts on student performance have little to do with what happens in the classroom” (Shultz, 2023). After reviewing our prompt for this week and doing the various readings, the school finance piece comes back to the question: Is there talented leadership running school finances? I have always been under the influence that we (leaders and educators) must make sure that people that sit at the tables of school and education finance have the understanding to lead conversations and prac...