Dear Parent: You Are The Key To My Success At School. Can We Partner?

In the Fall of 2023, at the beginning of the new academic school year, I am asking all of my students to make a video for their parents by reading this letter; also, I'm collecting data (see the bottom). by Don Allen, M.A. Ed./MAT Dear Parent: You Are The Key To My Success At School. Can We Partner? Students read : As a student, the key to my success at school lies in the partnership between you, me, and my teachers. You undeniably play a crucial role in shaping my educational journey, and your involvement can greatly impact my academic performance. Your involvement provides me with a strong support system. When you take an active interest in my education, it sends a powerful message that education is important and valued in our home. This encouragement motivates me to strive for excellence and gives me the confidence I need to succeed. Furthermore, I become aware of my strengths and weaknesses when you are involved in my education. This knowledge allows me to provide...