2023: What will people think about our society 20 years from now?

A. This has nothing to do with white supremacy or race, sorry. 2023 : What will people think about our society 20 years from now? We should be looking at, answering, and taking action on this question. Admit it, the wheels are stuck, feelings are more important than the competition; nuclear waste in well water is ‘safe’ to drink; really? (Monticello, MN.). And the chicken wing shortage (seriously, somebody skipped math). The US has supported Ukraine in the war with the equivalent of enough money to pay every 12th grader in the United States $10,000+ to attend their senior year with enough left over to remodel most US schools. Why does the media get to decide who ‘caste’ leaders are? Why are the lowest common denominators in human capital priced at the highest value? ‘The View’ or the ‘Steve Harvey Show’ might not have my best interests at heart. We have an unbalanced power dynamic that gives most authority to those on top with a successful elimination of the middle (missing midd...