“How to dismantle a bad educational system” - It would take 2 years at maximum velocity if we started in 2023 in the Twin Cities

By Don Allen, M.A. Ed./MAT A classmate challenged me to write “How to dismantle a bad educational system.” It would take 2 years at maximum velocity if we started in 2023 in the Twin Cities. ( Note : This is a snippet; the students, families, and stakeholders are not the challenge - but under the current weaponized, anti-educational construct in district administrations, scholars become relics used for price points and funding streams - education is a second-tier non-concern.) Step 1 . Send curious information into the public domain Step 2 . Showmanship - break agitators and reliance; they’d ride with you anyway just to get a front seat on the s-storm you will strategically produce to start the mechanical processes of change (it’s simple cause and effect.) a. disrupt the ideas of superiority; b . let targeted subjects (systems) ‘dangle,’ eventually, parts of the system need to be thrown under the bus. Step 3 . Speak freely  Step 4 . Use the data - ...