
Showing posts with the label Systems

The NFL didn't End Racism; they just decided it was Bad for Business

For context, read -  NFL to remove ‘End Racism’ messaging in end zone ahead of Super Bowl By Don Allen, Journal of A Black Teacher (2025) Ah, the Super Bowl: America's most hallowed secular holiday, when corporate titans, celebrities, and the common fan all coalesce in blue-lit awe of multi-million-dollar ad spectacles, halftime spectaculars, and yeah-football. This year, though, the league pulled its own trick play-off, with very little fanfare, taking its once-prominent "End Racism" messaging from the end zones. Why? Well, because in what feels like 2025, it would appear acknowledging racism is too "divisive." That is like replacing signs saying "Stop Smoking" with "Breathe Freely." Yeah, it may sound nice, but the thing is, it does absolutely nothing to change your addiction. For those keeping score at home, this is the same league that has spent the last few years wrapping itself in the language of diversity, equity, and inclusion like a ...

Mortality Leadership Competence Theory: Identifying and resetting System-Death in Learning Organizations

By USA Radical Black - An Urban Educational Think Tank (columnist include Don Allen) When a human body expires, all that remains is a lifeless shell that once held the vibrancy and identity of an individual. Similarly, in many learning organizations, we witness a high “mortality rate” in leadership competence—leaders who, though physically present, lack the necessary vitality, innovation, and insight to drive positive outcomes for students and families. This stagnation comes at the expense of students and communities, who count on schools to be more than just custodians of their children’s time; they expect educational institutions to be engines of knowledge, growth, and preparation for future success. Yet, as data increasingly reveals, the systems entrusted with shaping young minds are often hollow, devoid of best practices, creativity, and effective output. Mortality Leadership Competence , a term introduced by Don Allen, Ed.S., M.A. Ed., MAT, challenges us to confront the sobering ...

A Social Phenomena: Black Boys in Foster Care - A Personal Story

By Don Allen, M. A. Ed./MAT “Autoethnography is a qualitative method— it offers nuanced, complex, and specific knowledge about particular lives, experiences, and relationships rather than general information about large groups of people” (Adams et al., 2014, p. 21).   Hennepin County foster care and adoption     Last week was quite difficult for our school community. We faced the heart-wrenching situation of a seventh grader being separated from his family and placed in foster care. Despite the challenges he faced, this student demonstrated incredible talent as an artist and a deep passion for science, taking great care of the fish in our three tanks. He has always been a model student at our performing arts and academic school, which serves the Black community. I was informed about the events that happened during our morning cabinet meeting. The leadership team, too, was devastated hearing the news about one of our scholars. A report by Kate Miller, Root cause ...