Starting Early: The Case for Initiating the Minnesota Department of Education's Grow Your Own Programs in Middle School

By Don Allen, Journal of A Black Teacher (Editorial Opinion) The Minnesota Department of Education's Grow Your Own programs are innovative and needed ventures laid out to cater to the reality of teacher shortages and to develop a teaching career workforce that is diverse and highly qualified. Though these kinds of programs generally target both high school dropouts and paraprofessionals for the project, there is still a very strong argument to begin real GYO programs as early as middle school. Beginning GYO initiatives in middle school can harness the formative nature of these years, providing a strong foundation for future educators and addressing critical educational challenges. How do district leaders Identify and cultivate an interest in teaching? Middle school is a formative stage for scholars regarding their interests or the road to their future careers. With this program, the Minnesota Department of Education will be better prepared to identify students who already have an i...